• Yana Oleksenko
Keywords: corporate culture, values, model of corporate culture, functions of corporate culture, principles of corporate culture


Theme actuality. In modern conditions of management development an interest in corporate culture grows since it’s a phenomenon that influences successful development of the enterprise activity. Efficiently defined and constructed corporate culture should be considered as a powerful strategic tool that allows the coordination of the work of all structural units and certain staff members to achieve the company's goals. Corporate culture belongs to a class of phenomena that have a multi-dimensional interpretation, different variants of definition that, at first glance, give it a different substantive character. The basis for finding out social and economic content of corporate culture is the study of its essential features, the structural makeup and functional purpose of each element, the principles of formation and use, the tasks assigned to it. The article outlines the preconditions for the establishment of corporate culture at the enterprise. The basic approaches to the selection of research directions of the given phenomenon (administrative, psychological, market and historical and genetic) have been determined. On the basis of the analysis of theoretical sources, its basic elements, which contain three main components: intellectual, spiritual and social, have been systematized. The external and internal factors have been characterized and the algorithm of corporate culture formation at the enterprise, under the influence of mentioned factors, has been proposed. The classification of corporate culture types has been given, tasks and its main functions have been defined. The existence of various approaches to creating models of corporate culture structure of the enterprise has been noted. It has been emphasized that management of the process of corporate culture formation and development is impossible without the general principles of its functioning. If the management wants a corporate culture to be positive, work in order to create a competitive image of the enterprise, attract potential clients and highly qualified specialists, and serve as a mechanism for motivating all employees, it is worth focusing on its creation, development and comprehensive support. Corporate culture is an important factor in the renewal of the enterprise's economy, therefore, it is necessary to use it as a management tool, which will form in the minds of people the desire to work for a single purpose, use their knowledge and experience to succeed in the company.


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