• Zhanna Zhygalkevych
Keywords: quasi-integration structure, purpose, system approach, program, target tree, functional objectives, objective objectives, model


The article is devoted to the target approach to the development of quasi-integration structures. The essence was discovered and the role and the goals were clarified. A well-formulated goal allows us to set the task correctly, and contributes to reducing the paths and timing of obtaining final results. It was proved that the quantitative dimension of the goal is possible through the construction of a goal tree. The stages of formation and functioning of quasi-integration structures, which consist of: delimitation, goal setting, creating an action program, description of management, evaluation of results, were developed. It was noted that in the program-purpose planning and management methods a program matrix – methodical method, which allows to estimate the need for resources for program, its subroutines and elements implementation, – is used. The criteria for the optimal size of a quasi-structure were set: it will expand as long as the costs of organizing an additional transaction within the entity do not equal the costs of the same transaction through the exchange on the foreign market, that is, until the marginal benefits of reducing market costs do not equal losses from increasing internal organization costs. The logical-structural models of goal trees and action programs of their achievement in quasi-integration structures were presented. The role of quasi-structure management through distribution of quasi-structure into components was identified; for each component there are certain goals and functions, as well as rights, duties and responsibility for their implementation. Approaches to the construction of functional and objective trees for the purposes of quasi-integration structure were explained. On the basis of production enterprises the functional and corresponding objective goals of quasi-integration structure were determined. The logic-structural models of functional and goal trees for the purposes of the quasi-integration structure on the basis of production enterprises were presented. It was defined that the detailed plan for achieving a goal satisfies the functional requirements of the market aspect of the development of quasi-integration structures. The fulfillment of functional and objective goals leads to evaluation of results.


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